Firewing 64 updated to version 1.1

Just one day after release, Firewing 64 has been updated to version 1.1. After input from the community, I have implemented a number of changes which include:

  • A dash ability – hold down (what was previously the ground pound button) to nearly double your run speed! Granted you can’t attack while dashing, so be cautious!
  • Faster attacking – no longer bound by an attack every second!
  • Easier to jump on enemies – larger hit boxes and a reduced size on their attack boxes makes them much easier (and fun) to jump on!
  • Couple other minor tweaks (holes in the level geometry for example).

Firewing 64 is also now on Itch.IO!

Oh and I created a trailer for the game as well!

Download version 1.1 here!

Firewing 64 – Version 1.0


If you are familiar with my original project (the one that taught me how use Unity and to program) Besus: Journey for Vitality, you should know I’m a huge fan of the 64-bit era of 3D Platforming games. That being said, I decided to do one in the style of a Nintendo 64 game, including low polygon counts, hard edges, and over-blurred textures! While it may just be single level (albeit it a large one), there is plenty to do and to collect! So give it a shot (download link below) and let me know if you find any bugs or have any suggestions as to how I could improve it!

Download Firewing 64 (version 1.0)!

Retro Runner – Resurrection

Original GameMaker8 screenshot of Retro Runner.

As my familiarity of Unity continued to grow and with steady progress being made on my 3D platforming game: Besus: Journey for Vitality, one night the thought to resurrect my Retro Runner project in Unity popped in to my head. My only hesitation came from how I would go about porting a project I started in GameMaker 8 to Unity 3D. After exploring the 2D functionality offered in Unity, I knew it could be done with relative ease and decided to pursue this new endeavor.

In order to get started with 2D in Unity, I downloaded the “official” 2d platformer tutorial/asset from the asset store to familiarize myself with 2D rigidbodies and Vector2’s. After taking a look at how everything worked, I stripped away what I didn’t need and ended up just using the Rigidbody2D forces being applied for movement and jumping. Even then, I only needed to apply a constant force to the player as horizontal force would always be applied (with the exception of slowing down while sliding). With the movement established I created a simple camera script which set the camera transform to the equivalent of the player transform (with an adjustable x-axis offset). Now that the core mechanics were in place, I moved on to getting the graphics portion of the game ported over.

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Another New Project?!

As a bit of an offshoot from my Unreal Engine project, I got the idea for a simple 2D sidescroll/platform game where the player is always running forward and it is up to them to time their ducks and jumps to make it through the level. After getting this idea, I knew that I had to make it (despite it not being completely original). So I decided to begin creating this using GameMaker 8.0 Pro and 3 days later, I have a working concept and a playable game I’m calling: Retro Runner!

retro-mario-b2Brainstorming the back story and other ideas behind this, I decided to keep it simple, retro and a bit nostalgic. For this reason, there is no real back story. You’re just a character running through classic 8-bit and 16-bit environments. As of now, I only have games of the 8-bit era: Super Mario Bros, Castlevania and Contra. I’m still thinking about what other games would make for simple, yet challenging environments (so if you have any, please let me know).

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Survival Tunnel

Among another map I was doing for Left 4 Dead at the time, I chose to get sidetracked in to another, smaller map. In addition, I wanted to see if it was possible to create a survival map that would make survival much easier than standard survival maps.

Thus Survival Tunnel was created. As simple as it comes, there are 2 basic sections to defend from; both featuring near-unlimited weapons, ammo, pills, med kits, pipe bombs, and molotov cocktails. Granted that doesn’t mean you can just relax the entire time as tank battles may be more difficult given the small map size.

This map itself can be downloaded at the bottom of this post. To install it, simply copy the unzipped files to the Steam\steamapps\common\left 4 dead\left4dead\maps folder then run the game form the console using the following command:

changemap l4d_sv_tunnel

I was in the process of creating a .vpk file for it but never could get it to work correctly, so since I have no plans of distributing the map publicly anyway, I thought I would just release the map files as-is.

Download Left 4 Dead – Survival Tunnel